State Seal2 copy            Bill Number: S.B. 1041

            Allen S Floor Amendment

            Reference to FINANCE Committee amendment

            Amendment drafted by: Catcher Baden






·         Awards core credit to in-state K-12 students if the students received a score that demonstrates proficiency on the statewide assessment or the school the student is transferring from attests that the student was administered a proctored end-of-course or final exam that is aligned to the state academic standards.


·         Allows students who do not meet these requirements to demonstrate competency on a test in order to receive core credit.


Fifty-third Legislature                                                   Allen S

First Regular Session                                                   S.B. 1041




(Reference to FINANCE Committee amendment)


Page 1, line 2, after "5" insert "and insert:

"Section 1. Repeal

Section 15-189.03, Arizona Revised Statutes, is repealed.""

Strike line 3, insert:

"Line, 10, after "credit" insert "; definitions"

Page 4, line 32, strike "that is not regionally accredited" 

Page 5, line 8, after "instruction" strike remainder of line

Strike lines 9 and 10, insert "if either of the following apply:

1. The student initially completed the core credit at the school of origin and received a score that demonstrated proficiency as determined by the state board of education on the statewide assessment.

2. The charter school, the school district or the regionally accredited Arizona online instruction attest that as part of receiving core credit the student was administered a proctored end-of-course or final exam. Any end-of-course or final exam administered pursuant to this paragraph shall be aligned to the state academic standards adopted by the state board of education.

J. A pupil who transfers credit pursuant to subsection I of this section shall be awarded elective credit for any elective course completed at the charter school, at the school district or through Arizona online instruction. a pupil who is attempting to transfer core credit pursuant to subsection I of this section and who is unable to meet the requirements pursuant to subsection I, paragraphs 1 and 2 of this section shall be allowed to test and demonstrate competency for core credit pursuant to subsection h of this section."

Reletter to conform

Between lines 28 and 29, insert:

"M. For the purposes of this section:

1. "Core credit" means a credit or course, excluding elective credits, that is necessary to graduate from high school as determined by the state board of education pursuant to this section.

2. "Proctored" means supervising a student either in person or electronically during the course of examination.""

Amend title to conform





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